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Gardener holding a with big scissors looking at plants
Tree Growth

Is Mulching Good For Tree Health?

Planting a new tree in your yard is a wonderful experience. You get to benefit from its ability to reduce CO2 (a single tree can absorb 48lbs of CO2 in just one year), know that you’ve given a little back after all the paper you’ve used in your life, and have made a beautiful new addition to your landscape.

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Sprinkler in lawn

Common lawn care problems and what you can do about them

Having a beautiful lawn is one of the most important things when owning a home. Landscaping can increase your house’s return on investment by up to 15%. Your lawn is the first thing people see when they come to your home and it can be a lot to manage when you work full time or have a large yard to maintain.

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Green lawn

Different Kinds Of Lawn Treatment Services

You look at your lawn and you think that it doesn’t look quite right, but you’re having trouble deciding which of the many kinds of lawn treatment services you need. Knowing your options for treatment is important, as you can then make an informed decision on what you are paying for.

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Sprinkler in lawn

Watering Your Lawn: The When, What, And How

Everyone knows that anything green needs water to grow, but the exact mechanics of the process is a mystery to many. You may be inclined to let nature take its course, but in areas where rainfall is unpredictable that method could lead to a dry and dying lawn.

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3 Lawn Care Mistakes You’re Probably Making

Your home is more than just the brick and mortar building where you hang your hat. It’s also the yard that the home sits on (plus other things). In fact, 75% of households in America have some type of lawn or landscaping. While a homeowner can get wrapped up in creating a perfect landscape design, starting with the basics is a better bet.

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Man in gloves throws out a weed that was uprooted from his garden

When Weeds Attack

The Little Rock area has been fortunate to experience an unusually wet and fairly mild summer, which is great for our plants (and our water

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