How To Restore An Unhealthy Lawn

Lawns in poor condition and requiring maintenance
Lawns in poor condition and requiring maintenance

Have you ever witnessed patchy, brown spots or dead spots in your existing grass that no amount of water soaks or fertilizer seems to fix? If so, you’re not alone. Lawns are susceptible to diverse lawn damage; reviving them can be tricky when they become unhealthy.

Worse, you don’t always know how your yard was damaged in the first place. Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to treat many problems your turf might be facing. Little Rock Lawns will repair the damage and fix these issues.  


Collecting The Lawn Clippings After Cutting The Grass


1. Remove Grass Clippings

Clippings and other organic material can suffocate your grass roots and may block sunlight. Removing excess clippings will help create a perfect balance from which your green lawn can re-emerge.

2. Test the Soil

A soil test will tell you the soil pH levels of your surrounding lawn and other essential elements in the ground. With soil analysis, our care efforts are not wasted if the affected areas.

3. Apply Herbicide if Needed

Little Rock Lawns takes care of it all as part of our monthly maintenance services.  If a fifth of your green grass desperately requires repair, start over. A non-selective herbicide should be sprinkled on your new grass to ensure it kills everything it touches. To prevent injuring surrounding non-target plants or endangering wildlife, read and abide by all label instructions.

4. Mow at the Right Height

Keeping your yard shorter helps weed control and increases lawn density. As a rule of thumb, mowing between 2.5 – 3 inches will help reduce weeds. Too much shade from taller grass may help weed growth and keep the compacted ground cooler than lower grass cuts. Little Rock Lawns will make sure your lawn is cut at the right time and at the right height.

5. Plant Grass Seed

Any type of grass seed you employ should rely on your climate and soil type. Favor a quality grass seed that is immune to infection and drought and fertilize it according to package directions.

6. Water It Well

The amount of water you’ll need from your garden hose will depend on the weather, soil type, and the time of day you water it. Generally, most yards need around 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week. The best time to water a lawn is early morning, between 4 am and 10 am. This will allow the water to be absorbed into the soil before it evaporates or burns from the intense sunlight. Little Rock Lawns will install irrigation or help improve your existing irrigation.


Lawn Expert applying fertilizer on lawn


7. Apply Fertilizer

Fertilizer is also included in our monthly maintenance plans.  Fertilizing should be done when the lawn is actively growing. 

When applying fertilizer and other organic matter, watering beforehand is always recommended. This helps get the nutrients deeper, and quickly absorbs them into the roots.

Fertilizers, such as chicken manure, should also be applied around the perimeter of the lawn before filling in the middle to help encourage growth outward instead of upward. Additionally, we will look out for any potential nutrient deficiencies your soil might have that could hinder the health of your lawn, such as dead patches from foot traffic or dog urine.

Call Little Rock Lawns Today

Restoring dead grass into a healthy lawn can seem overwhelming. Let Little Rock Lawns take the wheel and we will do all of the work for you.

We can help analyze the particular issues you could be dealing with and offer specialized answers!

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